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Writer's pictureDomi, HHDA Manager

Commonly Misunderstood Traffic Signs in Louisiana

The purpose of traffic signs is to notify us about what we may and may not do while driving. What if, on the other hand, drivers did not understand the meanings? Depending on how the sign is misinterpreted, a misread sign might lead to an amusing story or even a catastrophe, such as a car accident.

Regardless of where the sign appears, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) must provide their approval before a sign may be placed on the side of the road. They provide a standard for road management to install, maintain, and administer all signs worldwide. Highway Hero Driving Academy has compiled a list of the most perplexing traffic signs presently in use:


Quite a few individuals need more clarity to understand this sign. To explain it, think of it as a lighter form of the STOP sign. In the presence of this sign, drivers are advised to come to a complete stop, yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic, and proceed through the junction. More minor roads that don't have a lot of traffic don't require a STOP sign; thus, a yield sign is used.

Runaway Vehicles Only

What does it mean? There may be a section of the road with sand or gravel that helps cars come to a safe stop in the event they lose control. The large vehicle's speed is slowed down by the gravel or sand, making it safe to stop.

"This Side" Sign

It indicates that something is permitted on "this side" or the side where the sign is located. Parking on the other side of the street may be referred to as "parking on this side." This signifies that you can only park on that side and will get a ticket if you park anywhere else.

Request Green - Wait On (Bicycle Symbol)

This sign is meant to signal to cyclists that they're in the clear. If you look closely, you'll see that the bicycle emblem has a vertical line across the top and bottom. Therefore, bicyclists must place themselves in the approved marking so that the actuators can identify them and provide a green signal.


(...We don't mean Shirley Cesar...) Teens and adults sometimes begin crossing the street without first being aware of their surroundings. This sign, generally seen along railroad tracks, warns drivers to be alert for trains traveling in both directions.

Truck Rollover

This sign does not mean that there is a truck-wheelie lane. Instead, it refers to a nearby hill that truck drivers should be aware of because their vehicles could overturn.

Circular Intersection

Despite its remarkable resemblance to the recycling sign, the circular junction sign indicates the impending arrival of a circular intersection. Some circular intersections are unique in that they don't follow the usual pattern. Entering cars may have the right of way, but those already in the circle must surrender.

Sound Off

Is it difficult for you to memorize the roads and traffic signs? Do you have any issues with reacting to any of these signs in traffic? Are there some other signs that you struggle with in traffic? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jun 02, 2023

This blog help so much with all the knowledge I already learn today. I very much did appreciate the extra information about the bicycle people on the road because I don’t want to hit anyone.

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